Long before a dog fight occurs there are warning signs that dog display before the actual fight breaks out. Owners need to be objective and observant of their dog’s interactions with other dogs, if they do not want their dog to be in a dog fight.
1.) Play that hurts or scares a dog.
2.) Stalking that scares a dog.
3.) Pinning a dog with no release.
4.) Bullying
5.) Excessive barking at another dog.
6.) Mounting or humping another dog.
7.) Pushing a dog into submission.
8.) Body slamming play.
9.) Head and chin over the shoulders or head of another dog.
10.) Chasing another dog.
Remember dog fights just don’t happen, there are warning signs you need to be aware and watchful. When you see these behaviors irregardless if your dog is instigating or is the recipient of the behavior, you need to redirect your dog. Never let the dogs sort it out by themselves.